[Depends who you ask]
There has always been an backlash against the establishment with regards to
“what’s cool”
And it’s important to remember your place.
There are 5.3 billion internet users, and 70% don’t (really) speak English.
Consider that –
– in 2022
47% of all internet traffic was estimated to be generated by bots
It stands to reason that the wide gates of the net may not always be
the most honest measure for WHAT IS TRENDING.
Whoever’s cool on TikTok is probably getting drilled on Reddit.
The aim of the game is not to be seen by everyone, but rather to be considered
worthy of being seen by those who already subscribe to your content –
while maintaining the pursuit of others who are compatible with the future and vision of your brand.
Countless surveys and analytics can lead to
extreme decisions being made by brands.
in the efforts to appeal to broader demographics -
The Truth is that
the stats can tell us whatever we like
and while they don’t always tell us explicitly
what we want to hear,
They can only to show us what we’re looking for.
What we don’t like to see is negative feedback
especially when it’s funny
even more so when it’s not bait.
Touch base with your followers – a cool admin is an engaged admin
it’s more cringe to be out of touch and distant, than it is to be
out of touch while actively engaging with your fans.
ultimately the people with the most influence are not
the stars that we adore, but rather:
the opinion leaders who present their case
popular/pinned commenters and tastemakers who judge
outspoken and engaged followers who act as the Jury
and the trolls who play Executioner
– they have no mercy.
Pick up on vibes –
Never let them dictate your next move.